Merced County Family Violence Resources
Reporting Child Abuse: About Child Welfare Services: Child Welfare Services (CWS) is dedicated to the preservation of families through the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Members of a 24-hour emergency service respond to reports of abuse or neglect by providing assessment, counseling, crisis intervention and, if necessary, emergency shelter care. To report child abuse call (209)385-3104. Mandated Reporting: In California, mandated reporters are professionals, who, in the ordinary course of their work have regular contact with children, disabled persons, or senior citizens, and are required to report physical, sexual, or other types of abuse.
These reports are to be made whenever abuse or neglect is observed or suspected or when there is evidence of neglect, knowledge of an incident, or an imminent risk of serious harm. For example, a teacher must report to child welfare authorities if they know of a child attending school who appears to be malnourished or has bruising, complains of neglect, or otherwise demonstrates signs of neglect or abuse at home. For questions about Mandated Reporting call (209)385-3104. Download the Suspected Child Abuse Form here.